Tuesday, December 4, 2007


one weekend.
two laptops.
three hundred thousand rupiahs.
four affiliations pull.
and a demise of a faithful and friendly companion.

(un)connecting people

Just like growing up, technology, and abroad experience, interconnectedness is overrated. We hype ourselves that this gadget and that will put us always connected with someone else. But do we really need that?

I've put myself to an experiment, in which I refuse to top-up my cell phone for a week. And it feels great! One of my best week ever. How so?

It's simple, really. when you refuse to top-up, the only way people can reach you is when they call you. Or even better, meet you. Which currently fades away in our social life.

Not having any credit in your cell means that you can have a convenient escape to why you dont reply people's messages. And here, we hardly use any answering machine, or voice mail, for that matter.

If you say that without any credit in your cell it would be impossible for you to hook up to the net via Opera Mini, for example, or Gmail thru GPRS, so be it. There's not much in our inbox that wouldn't be classified as junk, anyway.

However, as blissful it is in being ignorant, this measure of tranquility should only be practiced with extra caution and consideration. Ignorance will evolve to irresponsibility when you do this in planning an event for an organization. Which is why this measure will only suitable for individuals with extreme stress and urgent need of getaway. with minimum cost.

Oh, losing your handphone will also gives you a similar effect which can be prolonged for quite a time. However, it will cost you extra as at one point, you'd need to buy a new one. This will be particularly hurting your financial if the lost item is a handphone with mega-pixel camera, music edition, or super thin design. Unless if you're that stinking rich. And it's not that we'd need them every minute in our life.

PS: my im3 account currently only have Rp 21 in it. and I'll make sure that if it's not that bit important, I'll not waste any cent of my Rp 17070 in my esia number. This. Will. Last.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Basking in a Mask

At this point, I have a question for you, dear reader, if any. I was wondering if any of you are familiar with One Tree Hill serial, which was aired on Tv7 back then several years ago. I personally only watch the first 15 episodes, but that'd be suffice to give you an overview. You see, there's this one episode where Nathan tries to get closure to Haley, Lucas' best friends, to get back on him. But as time passes, Nathan actually fall for her. Needless to say, their on-off relationship is one of the conflicts on the plot.

It'd be quite a strech to say that the same goes with me. But I'm not talking about any particular girl here. I was trying to answer the question--not that there's anyone asking me this question, you see, as this blog is just my personal rambling. Uh, the question. It's actually the reason why I blog in English, and why I get so involved with English debating.

Just like Nathan, I had an ulterior motive in using English, particularly, to create a façade of myself. I think you gotta watch Dexter to know what façade I'm talking about here. The point is, it was a way to hide my insides from the world. And I'm quite good at that.

Now, it's 5 years or so since I know debating, and that ulterior motive fades. Or I'm enjoying my façade. Your call. But now I sometimes found myself lookig for a synonim in Indonesian for an English word in a daily conversatoin, which means I involved myself more to English language rather than my mother tongue. And I found that quite problematic.

I can remember almost all the vivid details of the first time I made a speech in English. My first time debating in high school. The Ukraine-Trip aftermath where I found myself more eloquent in telling my journey using English. My first final in Atma Jaya. My first international competition. My teammates in each tournament, all of them, including my high school teammate. Sadly, I can't say the same thing for my Indonesian language experience, let alone Javanese.

That, and I long to learn French or Deutsch or Russian. Asunder. Estranged.

Monday, November 5, 2007

amat victoria curam

Depresi. Sepertinya memang ini penyebab utama dari mimpi-mimpi aneh itu.

Satu hal yang jelas dari depresi ini adalah bahwa depresi saya saat ini adalah hasil dari banyak hal. Yep, termasuk akademik saya yang gak naik-naik juga. Lha gimana mau naik, habis ujian Fisika Statistik saya harus beli pulpen baru, karena pulpen lama habis dan penyot digigitin selama dua jam. Bukannya buat nulis jawaban soal. Dimana-mana emang ga jauh sama ibu yang satu ini, harus banyak-banyak ngapalin. Parahnya, rumus-rumus paten dan mujarab itu masa berlakunya cuman sampai tingkat dua kuliah. Huhuhuhuhu..

Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya sempat berpikir, mungkin masalah di akademik ini gara-gara ekspektasi dan upaya yang ga seimbang. Yang akhirnya bermuara ke resolusi "dont be too hard on yourself". Yang cuman bertahan satu jam. Gara-gara satu jam setelah resolusi itu dibikin, satu bapak dosen bilang kalo bapak menteri HR merespon bagus, dan ada kemungkinan bisa dapet beasiswa itu dari bapak ini. Haduh. Lagi kena terapi vitamin C dosis tinggi gini kok diajuin beasiswa. Yang ada orang-orang itu pasti pada ngakak guling-guling (baca:ROTFLOL)

Belum lagi ngrasa gak enak, pakewuh sama bapak-ibu di sekre ijo yang warna-warni. Anak-anak baru udah mau dilantik, dan bapak Suharto bersiap turun, yang berarti kejar proker. Hidup kok kejar-kejaran. Ya jelaslah capek.

Ada juga Garden Party. Ini besok. Dan saya resmi jadi pamastron sekarang. Non-Pengurus. Sisi positifnya, ini berarti saya resmi jadi benalu. Tapi semua orang suka benalu kok. Dan masalah tetumbuhan jarang ada yang merhatiin kalo lagi musim UTS begini.

Ups, UTS. Kondisi begini kok pengen ikutan Worlds di Thailand. Kalo UTS aja acakadut, gimana kalo UASnya ditinggal kesana? Amburadul, itu jelas.

Pfft. amat victoria curam.

Bottom Up! Twirl me..

I was on my out from the hospital. And hell, it had been a long day, excruciating, as always. Which suits me just great to go to the pub, and get wasted, should it be necessary. But things never did go in the way we planned, no, when you want something, the universe will conspire against you.

So it happened. My landlady called my cell, and say succintly,

"I need to ask you something, can you come over?"

Which means that something has gone wrong. Just about time. And off I went.

My landlady came to my room shortly after I arrive, and asked me straightaway,

"There had been a property stolen in this house, in the adjacent room. Do you happen to know anything about it?" while welcoming herself to my room, precisely 3 seconds before I welcomed her.

"What was it? What was stolen?" just a plain natural curiosity on my end.

"An item, with a description matching exactly like that,"

I followed her finger, and found the it was directed to a pillow. EH? A pillow and all the bother? I was outraged.

"Get out! I have nothing to do with the stealing, and its MY PILLOW. Can't you notice that it has one side shredded? Or the fact that that fact and that I did not even bother to put a pillowcase on it makes it unique, worn out, and virtually worthless? GET OUT!"

"I only act to my responsibility as a landlady here. I only act based on report, your room neighbor..."


There, the universe will conspire against you. Will, and always.

So off I went, to the pub again, with full knowledge that a heavy hangover would not help me feeling good in the morning.

But things never did go in the way we planned, no, not even when we plan it in depression, or grief. Which is why I shouldn't be surprised when I saw a herd of elephants crossing the street only guided by a few elephantherds, if you fancy that term. And I say to myself, why not join them?



And we walked. And walked. And walked, until we arrived in a vast savanna, with two creeks on it, dividing the savanna into three equal areas. It was not a windy day, but I feel a cold wind, and I shivered.

And I woke up. Yes, that's all just a dream. Which explains pretty much how confrontational I was.


The thing is, I have been having those kinds of dream in days. Night after night. and it made me sleepy in the morning because I always have to confront someone in my dream. Just imagine, the night previously, I dreamt about going to Carrefour, with no pants on!

I can easily trace back my elements of dreams to the serial I am watching. Hospital and pub? That's Grey's Anatomy. No pants? See Aank in the Avatar book 3 chapter 9. Room Neighbor? I just watched The Big Bang Theory. Theft? Pillow? Breaking in? Connection found to Desperate Housewives. Elephants? The Amazing Race will do that for you.

I'm just thankful that no one gets killed in my dream, copying those of Heroes and Dexter. Or anything involving any bombing. Like Jericho. Or Traveler.

The more I think about it, it's just silly if i'm saying that because i watched these serials and it made my dreams. I watch TV even when I was a kid, but I dont remember being influenced this heavy, which leads me to.....

Saturday, September 22, 2007

situations - jack johnson

Situation number one:
It's the one that's just begun,
But evidently it's too late.
Situation number two:
It's the only chance for you;
It's controlled by denizens of hate.
Situation number three:
It's the one that no one sees;
It's all too often dismissed as fate.
Situation number four:
The one that left you wanting more,
It tantalized you with its bait.


situation #1

i can only offer you my humble apology, as i was being a pain in the ass. hope you know me long enough that it's just that its money. my humble apology. hope we meet again.

situation #2

i can only offer you my apology, as i flattered your hope high with a game of chance, and set you back to earth. hope you find it in your heart to see a different and keeping me. my humble apology. hope we fight along again.

situation #3

an apology is not enough when we're repeating the same deeds again, isn't it? but if that's your nature, guess i have to put up with it.

situations #4

all different as you left. all fun ceased and all enthusiasm vanished. but what can we do? what can i do?

situation #5

I have yet to change my insecure self. and I appreciate everything you did. I can only offer you my apology if you found me as a non-sharing-person. hope you understand. my apology. hope you will found me different someday.

Hint: [all situation goes to different person. if you find yourself enlisted, perhaps i do meant it to you]

Sunday, September 16, 2007

air of festivities #1

celebration is in order! Why, its an occasion worthy of lengthy celebration! anyway, congratulation for you!

PS: more celebration photos will be coming shortly, and, yes, i'm turning to a cat blogger.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

observation #1

beer: A beverage made from extracts of roots and plants

Various social traditions and activities are associated with beer drinking, such as playing cards, darts or other pub games; attending beer festivals, or visiting a series of different pubs in one evening; joining an organisation such as CAMRA; or rating beer. Various drinking games, such as beer pong, and quarters are also very popular.

[insert your equation sign here]

puke: the matter ejected in vomiting

go figure.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Oh,those wondrous jealous stare on me!

It is somewhat funny,how we frequently re-question ourselves of what do we actually want.
Take a look at myself,for instant--and because i have no other example. As a frequent business class user of indonesia's train service,there's nothing i wished more than a vacant seat next to me,thus i can occupy it for the world safety[1].

But then again,when everybody else got a seatmate sitting next to them,you begin to wonder,if this vacant seat next to you will be the thing you prized in your life,second only to maximum length of your sleep time.you start to feel lonely,and begin to wish that you had a seatmate,just like everybody else,just to avoid their stare of envy-induced angst.

But evidenty your brain knows better than yourself.Once you begin to notify the word envy in the preceding paragraph,and the fact that an ideal seatmate will spend their time snoring to your ear,its oh what a wonderful world!
[1] lie back and sleep like hell, which contributes significantly to the safety of the world.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

pimnas xx


i can put up with all the crap in lampung. sure, why not? i have had my vent of anger in indodebaters. cuman, ngeliat ini saya langsung spontan nyeletuk, "gélo," sambil geleng-geleng..

gimana ngga? okelah, emang debat di pimnas itu cuma kegiatan pendukung tapi mbok ya ada respek sedikit. and i'm not talking of adjudication quality, which is hopeless in any usual sense, tapi daftar pemenang.

coba liat ini:
I. Lomba Debat Bahasa Inggris
• Juara I Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM)
• Juara II Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY)
• Juara III
• Juara IV
• Juara V

II. Lomba Debat Bahasa Mandarin
• Juara I Universitas Tarumanagara (Untar)
• Juara II Universitas Indonesia (UI)
• Juara III Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)
• Juara IV Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY)
• Juara V

kalo yang mandarin ada kenapa yg bahasa inggris enggak? nggak menghargai sama sekali.

Monday, July 30, 2007

when persistence prevails

anything blogworthy all the while? you bet.

all i can feel at the moment is that all my persistence paid off, and i'm not talking of my personal record, as i only ranked 14th in the speaker's standing, which served as floor for the other 5 debaters from the contingent; but that's all in being a president, isn't it? a humble me, at your service.

given that it was not a formidable me, what's innit? it is just that all the gleaming victory brought us another victor, a prominent member of SEF, with a strong likelihood to be another persistent and performing member. on second thought, it should've been in plural form, victors, as all three members of JOVED champion are (hopefully) delivering the same likelihood aforementioned.

how is it paid off? obviously, when all these performing members stay, they'll ease up the burden of the administration to lure new souls to the trap of debating pit, raise hell to be sold for a penny or two, and book flight to bangkok..

considering all the hardship endured (thin bed on the floor, NPT-non performing teams, zero-yield victory points) and all relief (euphoria-inducing AUDC, silver lining in PIMNAS-prize) all i can say is all hell break loose, for all you wish for an administration anew is well avail ahead.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

blogroll today

Rabu, 11 Juli 2007, hari super ga penting..

9 ~ planning to wake up at 10
10 ~ plan to get my lazy head out of bed, with partial success
10 - 12 ~ bermalas-malasan ga penting ga jelas, sampai akhirnya memutuskan buat mandi
13 ~ ke tempat norman, berniat latian debat, karena kebiasaan ga on time...
17 ~ latian debat. edan, 4 jam ga penting
22 ~ selesai ngobrol ga penting, di sela-sela latian orang-orang kentut-kentut ga jelas. kabur ke bionet
now: ga penting, niatnya matter research tp hasilnya malah edit-nambahin daftar blogroll.

by the way, sekalian dengan ini saya minta ijin buat memasang tautan-tautan disamping, buat siapapun yang merasa perlu ijin. hmm, gimana kalo sekalian review beberapa tautan baru?

kita mulai dari mana yah?

ria dulu deh, yang blognya sederhana dan sama-sama pengguna blogger *ga penting* tapi karena semua suka kedodolan, patut dipuji kegigihan dan ketekunannya dalam mencari kedodolan. oh ya, ada yg tau blog dengan lay out ayam berkepala tiga dan ada kata 'dodol' di URL nya? sumpah itu blog lucu abis cuman karena waktu dulu belom kenalan sama opera mini dan RSS feed jadinya sekarang ga kelacak lg....

yang mau sinisme-sarkasme, coba desperate exasperation deh. blunt and refreshing, satu-satunya tempat selain whodoyouthinkheare yang bisa naruh melly goeslaw "resembles nothing but a bunch of morbid pengamens overly fashioned that criss-crosses between Christina Aguilera and Inul Daratista".

masih di kategori yg sama, kedodolan dan sarkasme, coba cari buku Bertanya atau Mati! di Gramed, 40ribu rupiah well spent. susah nyarinya, atau udah baca? coba lihat blognya Isman di sini atau BaM! di sini.

mau mikir sedikit? ada indonesia anonymus yang postingnya enak-enak, bermoral dan tidak anonoh *duh, hasil kebanyakan ngomongin orang*

sisanya di sidebar kanan masih banyak, sila klik satu-satu kalo pengen tau, mungkin selera kita ga sama, but this is my blog, and it adheres my every whim, jadi jangan komplen yah :D kalo ada rekomendasi blog bagus, mari berbagi..

sekian dulu malam ini, habis joved di jogja, atau habis pimnas sekalian kita liat lagi, ada yang blogworthy atau ga. doakan saya selamat naik kereta besok malem.

p.s.: who do you think he are kan secara gramatikal salah yah? CMIIW, but i'm pretty sure.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

the-much-awaited-final sequel of Harry Potter series is finally nearing our door--speaking literally for some who order that, of course. meanwhile, i and the rest of the people who cannot afford such luxury, will have to be content with mere glimpse of the launching hype; and perhaps, if we're lucky enough, there will be someone who share it with these unfortunates to quench their--mine included--curiosity, one way or another.

anyway, just like the previous books of the series, prior the official launching date there always the usual stuff of claims of leakage, and the sham e-book of the deathly hallows has already circulated wildly in the net, and ITB network is no exemption.

out of curiosity, i decidedly downloaded it and spent 6 hours of my time reading it, while i'm supposedly doing my matter research. however, one can't help to wonder how these sham-creator mind to devote much of their time to came up and wrote the sham. still, this particular sham was quite good--compared to what i had prior the Half-Blood Prince, when the sham-writer focused on how beefy Malfoy's chest was. *snort* at least this sham came up with the idea of Kreacher going with R.A.B. when retrieving the locket, and that all it takes to destroy the locket-Horcrux was a simple command in Parseltongue.

yet as good as it was, it just can't be Rowling's, due to several feature of the sham that i observed, i.e:

1. unwittingly plain chapter title..

seeing how Rowling never came up to titled the chapter in a blunt way, say "Harry's Curse and Hagrid's Anger". it's just so helplessly dull..

2. incorporation

don't you think Snape is not the ablsolute villain you'll have to loath? that Malfoy is just a victim of circumstances? nearly all the theory that you hope are true, is incorporated here. Malfoy and Snape fans, please stand up..

3. all hail Hollywood!

not that hollywood, but where else can you find a scene where someone was knocked off their consciousness, he woke up to find he had made love unwillingly---or some sort, it was 3 am in the morning, i can't quite remember. obviously, this scene then lead to a row. on second thought, it also sounds similar to indonesia's sinetron...

Apparently, with all that available now, we will have to be patient till July 21st.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

I Am Formidable!

it was not exactly the holiday that you're waiting for.

let's see with this simple fact:

i was formidable, where even my high school teacher hearken me...

moving on to college, i was formidable;

along with ijul, toto, or mita, in persma. though not in core administration; last friday i was one of the quartet to appoint the next project officer for persma.

together with aino and uphie, we made it to the E-For-L AUDC Semifinal, and counting tyson, i'm still in the top 4 ITB Speaker's rank.

a trio with Dyas and Lucky, we consistently made Astronomy 2004 looks gloomy, as the trio of 2005 deliver a superb result.

that, was that.

not today.

my sense of formidability was shattered, as i found myself scrambling to reach 3.00/4.00 GPAindex this semester. all i got is a mere C in Electricity-Magnetostatic, and failed to boost my thermodynamics to A, it ended in B.

and the worst part is that i'm all liable in my own failure. february? twas IVED purwokerto. march? we happily went to NTU for Dorothy Cheung. april? even my resignation from ALSA-UI and NUEDC contingent do not stop me from debating. May? retreat? Nay,we have AUDC in our premises...

hard blow? try tell me something new. i just wish it only happens once in a blue moon.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

cerita sebuah bon

for those who knows me very well, you may say i am stingy. like, buat apa coba nyimpen bon? and truth to be told, koleksi bon-ku hampir se laci, yang predominantly adalah struk atm.

yet each of them, has its own story. and some are useful to reminiscent with the old times..

+> these are from my trips to Singapore recently; where its boarding pass reminds me of those yang ketinggalan pesawat di batam gara-gara supir taksi yang dodol, ada struk dari mustapha centre, dan kinokuniya..

+> struk debating, bayar founders registration di UI, struk atm bca, yang diambil dari malang pas lagi pimnas buat transfer registrasi ke NED, dan buat kirim undangan AUDC ke UMM..

+>trains ticket! back and forth, bandung klaten round trips. somehow unsurprising that most of it misspell my name..

+> reminiscent of happy time, makan2 goiza sama corleone, sama dara-dara cinta *hoeks* di pizza hut sembari buka sesi gosip, sama anak-anak astro di ampera, yang sambelnya buffet. pas habis selese UTS listrik magnet, kita nangis2 (both karena kepedesan dan meratapi kegoblokan di LM)

+> books always does its appeal, as shown below, which comprises bon2 buat buku-buku termahalku (tetralogi buru 3&4; crichton's state of fear dan tolkiens' unfunished tales dari kinokuniya, cost me SG$35; bartimaeus trilogy 1&2 yg dibeli di periplus malioboro mall)


Friday, April 20, 2007

apalah artinya sebuah nama

"Syhur, ngeja nama lu tu gimana sih?"

"pake S, pake Y, pake H, ga pake N"

"He? em-a-es-ye-u-r? bener?"

"salah, pake ha tuh.."

"lu tulis sendiri aja deh.."

"nit, itu harusnya ada huruf Y di namaku, if you dont mind,"

"yes, i mind; tapi bukan em-a-es-ha-u-r yah? gue dikasih tau vava kok"

"yang bener ada ye-nya"

"bonnya mau atas nama siapa mas?"

"masyhur, em-a-es-ye-ha-u-er"

*scribbling: em-a-es, pause...*

"bisa tolong di eja?"

"itu dikasih ye, trus ha, trus u..."

*nrusin scribbling: ha-ye-we-es-ha-ye.., *

"atas nama aja aziz aja deh mbak... *sigh*"

*scribbling: kurung buka, a-zet-i-es-kurung tutup*


Saturday, February 17, 2007

me and my w810i


I my train delay

I to have an impromtu quiz


I nuntun motor bocor dari kos ke tambal ban 0.7 km away

I the rain

I my damp shoes in class


I nuntun motor bocor dari kos ke tambal ban 0.7 km away, again

I jemuran keujanan.

I bionet lelet


I dpj 4

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Gramedia Paris Van Java Soft Opening

As you might know, it's always feel way good when you actually completed your task, especially given that you have only limited time. And it's what i feel at the moment, having spent 4 days at home, actually doing things, not mere idle, and when i return to bandung for a mere 3 days, i wasn't idle as well; which is quite a contrast with my first half of holiday-time, when i spent my days only to sleep, whine, and of course, being idle.

And what have i accomplished during my 3days in bandung, actually? To be frank, tis not something highly unique, or anything, because it's only that i managed to go to gramedia's new store soft opening in paris van java. The thing is that, that day i went is the last day of their soft opening promo, 30% off all item!

Gyah, a mere sale? You can say so, but when you're actually prefer to spent your money in togamas, where they gave discount 15-25%, a 30% discount is definitely something not to be missed!

However, my enthusiasm faded when i see that i share the lets-go-for-3o%-discount sentiment with another hundred of people. ahem, hundred. yes, hundred.

Now, i do have been in such situation before, where i crammed in with so many people in Hypermart BIP soft opening or Carrefour in the day before Lebaran. but it's just different. Hell, it's bookstore; the last place you'd imagine that you'll have to walk extracareful not to bump to other people, and the last place you'd thought may be labelled as a salad bowl. I do actually see pot-bellied businessmen, high school uniforms, kids crying (she bump her head to a shelf), gals with tanktops, transvestite, and a beautiful lady which looks so elegant with her white shirt and hugs 2rims of papers. OK, maybe i only perceive her beauty as she was standing behind that pot-bellied expats, which provide an extreme contrast...

That night, i walk--ride, to be precise--home exhaustedly, as i have to stand in a queue for 30minutes, behind another ten of people. Yet, i'd say it's worthwhile when you actually save 50thousand rupiahs for Jejak Langkah and Rumah Kaca, the final books of Pramoedya's Buru Tetralogy.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


barusan browsing forum rileks itb, dan di topik yang mencaci maki sinetron indonesia, ada yang ngasih link ini: http://chaidir.wordpress.com/setantron™/ yang i found rather amusing...
buat yang males klik link tadi, ada beberapa teaser:

"Apa Itu Setan?
Setan (Syaithan) berasal dari kata kerja syathana yang mengandung arti menyalahi, menjauhi. Setan artinya pembangkang pendurhaka. Secara istilah, setan adalah makhluk durhaka yang perbuatannya selalu menyesatkan dan menghalangi dari jalan kebenaran [1].
Apa itu Sinetron?
Sinetron adalah akronim dari "Sinema Elektronik". Sinetron sebenarnya adalah sandiwara bersambung yang disiarkan oleh stasiun televisi [2].
SETANTRON™ adalah akronim dari SETAN SINETRON. SETANTRON™ dapat pula diartikan sebagai Sinetron yang menyesatkan!"

more... di alamat aslinya :P

other thing that i found rather interesting adalah salah satu komen dari post dari blog yang sama, yang berjudul "Buku Harian Nayla (pun) Hadir di Wikipedia" :
chihiro on Jan 11th, 2007 said:

"Berikut post an dari noirsama @ Forum RCTI :anyway ada yang udah tau kalo kabarnya BHN bakal diangkat ke layar tancep lebar? alasannya karena… ceritanya lain dari yang lain, mengharukan, aktingnya meyakinkan karena nangis asli…
Ya Tuhan…….sampe sebegitunya,kurangkah dosa yang udah kau tampung wahai orang" Sinemart ?????"

indeed emang orang indonesia kurang dosa. no wonder sih kita banyak bencana... :D
ada bannernya juga lho, kodenya ada di post setantron itu tadi...

cuman, ada satu hal yang mengganggu: beberapa waktu lalu aku ke togamas dan nemu buku kumpulan artikel berjudul "Kutemukan Nama Tuhan dalam Sebuah Kuis"--CMIIW yang salah satu artikelnya berjudul: orang indonesia tidak mau membaca, or some sort, CMIIW again.
intinya: S***mArt dkk, biar udah dicaci kayaknya bakal tetep membodohi kita dengan setantron2 itu.. unless ada miracle, kayak total lawsuit mumbo-jumbo dari semua orang karyanya yang pernah diplagiatin, dan akhirnya bikin bangkrut perusahaan plagiator itu [v.o: cheers]. cuman, lagi, curiganya sama masyarakat indonesia, si S itu tadi malah bakal diliat sebagai hero, dan victim... [v.o.: booo]


errare humanum est
p.s: ada yang ngerasa ga kalo intilah "sinetron bagus" itu oxymoron? hehehe

Sunday, January 14, 2007

saturday the 13th

today, is the 13th january of 2007. anything special on that date? yes, because when i woke up in that particular morning, i saw that there are 8 sms waiting to be read. and what's so special on the sms? tis because one of them says:

"the-beta version of the design is ready, you'd better pick it up in the morning.--septian"

hehehe, kidding, you know what i mean lah, especially, if you're one of the one who've sent me a message, you know who you are; though i might not (this is the case for +6285235234**). but truly, such sms above indeed sent on the moring of saturday the 13th..

and i 'd like to thank you all, for those are the few things that spells care... huhuhu...

udah ah.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

me, altogether

Too charming to resist, too good to be true. yes, ladies and gentlemen,we're not talking about Bartimaeus of Uruk, i was referring to me!

*gyahahaha, now gimme time to laugh on myself for awhile*

By now you might be wondering what in the world--or in my campus-- is actually happening: here's the story: as you might have known, i'm currently engaging in 3 organization in my campus at the present: those are himastron, persma and sef. And it was just very yesterday that i was asked to join an interview to determine who's going to handle the next joined-caderization of FMIPA as a chief. This interview, hold together by the coalition of amisca, himafi, himastron, and himatika, is scheduled to interview 12 people from 4 himpunan, and i was the 11th to be interviewed.

Thus the interview went, they asked pretty much standard questions to me, which to me was like business-as-usual, where i even have to squeezed the interview between meal in Pizza Hut. the question were'nt startling, and you have me interviewed by 4 kahim; spell it out together, and what do you get? Yes, they picked me to go to the next round, along with 2 guys from mathematics. You might think that being the 11th one, they'll have decided their own preferences, nice and ready to go without me. Conversely, they even scheduled us to to a hearing tomorrow at 1pm.

The funny part (to me, which is that counts) is that i know i'm good (try to see my leadership appointment record, hehehe) and i can't help but grin all day.. I know i'm being a bit of self centered right now, but hey, it's me, too charming to resist.

Now that's too much, i gotta stop before you all thrown out what you've eaten. or have you?