Tuesday, January 23, 2007


barusan browsing forum rileks itb, dan di topik yang mencaci maki sinetron indonesia, ada yang ngasih link ini: http://chaidir.wordpress.com/setantron™/ yang i found rather amusing...
buat yang males klik link tadi, ada beberapa teaser:

"Apa Itu Setan?
Setan (Syaithan) berasal dari kata kerja syathana yang mengandung arti menyalahi, menjauhi. Setan artinya pembangkang pendurhaka. Secara istilah, setan adalah makhluk durhaka yang perbuatannya selalu menyesatkan dan menghalangi dari jalan kebenaran [1].
Apa itu Sinetron?
Sinetron adalah akronim dari "Sinema Elektronik". Sinetron sebenarnya adalah sandiwara bersambung yang disiarkan oleh stasiun televisi [2].
SETANTRON™ adalah akronim dari SETAN SINETRON. SETANTRON™ dapat pula diartikan sebagai Sinetron yang menyesatkan!"

more... di alamat aslinya :P

other thing that i found rather interesting adalah salah satu komen dari post dari blog yang sama, yang berjudul "Buku Harian Nayla (pun) Hadir di Wikipedia" :
chihiro on Jan 11th, 2007 said:

"Berikut post an dari noirsama @ Forum RCTI :anyway ada yang udah tau kalo kabarnya BHN bakal diangkat ke layar tancep lebar? alasannya karena… ceritanya lain dari yang lain, mengharukan, aktingnya meyakinkan karena nangis asli…
Ya Tuhan…….sampe sebegitunya,kurangkah dosa yang udah kau tampung wahai orang" Sinemart ?????"

indeed emang orang indonesia kurang dosa. no wonder sih kita banyak bencana... :D
ada bannernya juga lho, kodenya ada di post setantron itu tadi...

cuman, ada satu hal yang mengganggu: beberapa waktu lalu aku ke togamas dan nemu buku kumpulan artikel berjudul "Kutemukan Nama Tuhan dalam Sebuah Kuis"--CMIIW yang salah satu artikelnya berjudul: orang indonesia tidak mau membaca, or some sort, CMIIW again.
intinya: S***mArt dkk, biar udah dicaci kayaknya bakal tetep membodohi kita dengan setantron2 itu.. unless ada miracle, kayak total lawsuit mumbo-jumbo dari semua orang karyanya yang pernah diplagiatin, dan akhirnya bikin bangkrut perusahaan plagiator itu [v.o: cheers]. cuman, lagi, curiganya sama masyarakat indonesia, si S itu tadi malah bakal diliat sebagai hero, dan victim... [v.o.: booo]


errare humanum est
p.s: ada yang ngerasa ga kalo intilah "sinetron bagus" itu oxymoron? hehehe

Sunday, January 14, 2007

saturday the 13th

today, is the 13th january of 2007. anything special on that date? yes, because when i woke up in that particular morning, i saw that there are 8 sms waiting to be read. and what's so special on the sms? tis because one of them says:

"the-beta version of the design is ready, you'd better pick it up in the morning.--septian"

hehehe, kidding, you know what i mean lah, especially, if you're one of the one who've sent me a message, you know who you are; though i might not (this is the case for +6285235234**). but truly, such sms above indeed sent on the moring of saturday the 13th..

and i 'd like to thank you all, for those are the few things that spells care... huhuhu...

udah ah.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

me, altogether

Too charming to resist, too good to be true. yes, ladies and gentlemen,we're not talking about Bartimaeus of Uruk, i was referring to me!

*gyahahaha, now gimme time to laugh on myself for awhile*

By now you might be wondering what in the world--or in my campus-- is actually happening: here's the story: as you might have known, i'm currently engaging in 3 organization in my campus at the present: those are himastron, persma and sef. And it was just very yesterday that i was asked to join an interview to determine who's going to handle the next joined-caderization of FMIPA as a chief. This interview, hold together by the coalition of amisca, himafi, himastron, and himatika, is scheduled to interview 12 people from 4 himpunan, and i was the 11th to be interviewed.

Thus the interview went, they asked pretty much standard questions to me, which to me was like business-as-usual, where i even have to squeezed the interview between meal in Pizza Hut. the question were'nt startling, and you have me interviewed by 4 kahim; spell it out together, and what do you get? Yes, they picked me to go to the next round, along with 2 guys from mathematics. You might think that being the 11th one, they'll have decided their own preferences, nice and ready to go without me. Conversely, they even scheduled us to to a hearing tomorrow at 1pm.

The funny part (to me, which is that counts) is that i know i'm good (try to see my leadership appointment record, hehehe) and i can't help but grin all day.. I know i'm being a bit of self centered right now, but hey, it's me, too charming to resist.

Now that's too much, i gotta stop before you all thrown out what you've eaten. or have you?